Mighty Marriages- Colin & Alex Shepp


God is for healthy marriages. A strong marriage with God at the center creates a firm foundation for a family. This is a 10 week course covering 10 of the most common talking points in marriage. We welcome anyone who is seriously dating, engaged, newly married, or married for decades. We will spend 10 weeks (may not be consecutive) covering topics from kids to money to parenting, etc. There will be a video teaching on each topic and book that holds all the tools for discussion throughout the week. You don't have to be in a "rough" season to work on your marriage, Not only is the content enlightening but building community with others with the same goals in marriage is invaluable. NOTE: The Shepps have 4 kids under 10 and anticipate other families with younger kids. We will discuss possible group childcare options as the date gets closer.

Alex Shepp


Monday at 6:00 PM

Small Group Type:


In Person

Childcare Available:

Group begins on 02/26/2024.

Interested in this Small Group?

Please complete the form below to register for Mighty Marriages- Colin & Alex Shepp.

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