Young Adults | Minnetrista


This is an opportunity for young adults (18-26) to connect with each other. Come and build community and be with others growing a relationship with God. We will be going through the book of Romans followed by purposeful conversation and prayer. We are excited about this group and look forward to seeing you there! This group will be held at the Minnetrista campus on the 2nd and 4th Saturday following the 4:30pm service from 6-7pm. We would love for you to be apart!

Faith Unglaub

5595 Westwood Ave
Mound, MN 55364-8941

The 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month at 6:00 PM

Small Group Type:
Young Adult

Young Adult

In Person

Childcare Available:

Group begins on 02/06/2023.

Interested in this Small Group?

Please complete the form below to register for Young Adults | Minnetrista.

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